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Council Committees

Statutory Committees

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee oversees the implementation of policy and administration of College affairs. The Executive Committee has all the powers of the Council, except the power to make, amend or revoke regulations or by-laws, between Council meetings.

Elected Members: Kim Cole RECE, Kristine Parsons RECE, Stacee Stevenson RECE, Laura Urso RECE

Public Members: Gen Breton, Leigh Duncan


Complaints Committee

The Complaints Committee considers and investigates written complaints regarding the conduct or actions of members of the College and determines the appropriate action to be taken, which may include referral to the Discipline Committee or the Fitness to Practise Committee for a hearing.

Elected Members: Lindsey Dann RECE, Aliya Amin RECE, Cheryl Duffett RECE, Krista Johnson RECE, Tricia Doyle RECE

Public Members: Leigh Duncan, Adesua Ezeokafor, Todd Cunningham, Mary Broga


Discipline Committee

The Discipline Committee hears matters, in a hearing which is generally open to the public, directed or referred to it by the Complaints Committee, Council or Executive Committee regarding allegations of professional misconduct or incompetence on the part of members of the College, and determines if a member of the College is guilty of professional misconduct or is incompetent.

Elected Members: Katie Begley RECE, Jasmine Brar RECE, Stacee Stevenson RECE, Amanda Barg RECE, Tam Mifsud RECE

Public Members: Gen Breton, Richard Filion, Shernett Martin, Peeter Põldre


Fitness to Practise Committee

The Fitness to Practise Committee hears matters directed or referred to it by the Complaints Committee, Council or Executive Committee regarding allegations of incapacity on the part of members of the College, and, after a hearing which is generally closed to the public, determine if a member of the College is incapacitated because the member is, in the Committee’s opinion, suffering from a physical or mental condition or disorder such that the member is unfit to continue to carry out his or her professional responsibilities or the member’s Certificate of Registration should be made subject to terms, conditions or limitations.

Elected Members: Katie Begley RECE, Jasmine Brar RECE, Stacee Stevenson RECE, Amanda Barg RECE, Tam Mifsud RECE

Public Members: Gen Breton, Richard Filion, Shernett Martin, Peeter Põldre


Registration Appeals Committee

The Registration Appeals Committee is responsible for reviewing registration applications at the request of applicants once the Registrar has proposed to refuse to issue a Certificate of Registration.

Elected Members: Laura Urso RECE, Katie Begley RECE, Jasmine Brar RECE

Public Members: Peeter Põldre, Mary Broga


Non-Statutory Committees

Registration Committee

The Registration Committee advises Council on the development of policies that relate to the registration of members of the College and the development of processes to assess and approve educational programs and to assess the educational qualifications of individuals. The Committee does not review individual applications for registration and does not make decisions on applications of individuals who are applying for registration.

Elected Members: Stacee Stevenson RECE, Lindsey Dann RECE, Krista Johnson RECE, Amanda Barg RECE, Cheryl Duffett RECE, Laura Urso RECE

Public Members: Leigh Duncan

Non-Council Committee Members: Tiffany Shawn Bien RECE, Lois Mahon RECE, Teresa Sulowski RECE


Standards of Practice Committee

The Standards of Practice Committee advises the Council of the College on the development of a code of ethics and standards of practice for members of the College, that demonstrate a respect for diversity and a sensitivity to the multicultural character of the Province, and a consultation process in connection with the code of ethics and standards of practice for members of the College.

Elected Members: Aliya Amin RECE, Kim Cole RECE, Tam Mifsud RECE, Krystal Oxbro RECE, Tricia Doyle RECE

Non-Council Committee Members: Sylvie Langlois-Beange RECE, Alexandra Madjercic RECE, Ela Smith RECE and Pamela Van Meppelen Scheppink RECE


Finance & Audit Committee

The committee assists Council fulfill its duty to oversee the College’s financial position, practices, financial controls and reporting, as well as risk management.

Elected Members: Kristine Parsons RECE, Krystal Oxbro RECE, Katie Begley RECE

Public Members: Adesua Ezeokafor