Programs connect seniors and children

Home 9 Category: Public ( Page 7 ) About RECEs Public Register Parents News Professional Regulation Code and Standards Unregulated Persons Resources Approval of Education Programs Programs connect seniors and children By Jann Lee Meagan Bell RECE is known for her...

Child Care Modernization Act, 2014

Home 9 Category: Public ( Page 7 ) About RECEs Public Register Parents News Professional Regulation Code and Standards Unregulated Persons Resources Approval of Education Programs Child Care Modernization Act, 2014 The Ontario government introduced the Child Care...

A Broad Scope of Practice: Diverse Career Paths for ECEs

Home 9 Category: Public ( Page 7 ) About RECEs Public Register Parents News Professional Regulation Code and Standards Unregulated Persons Resources Approval of Education Programs A Broad Scope of Practice: Diverse Career Paths for ECEs As many registered early...

College’s response to proposed changes to the ECE Act

Home 9 Category: Public ( Page 7 ) About RECEs Public Register Parents News Professional Regulation Code and Standards Unregulated Persons Resources Approval of Education Programs College’s response to proposed changes to the ECE Act The College of Early...

Conversation with an RECE

Home 9 Author archive for admin ( Page 9 ) About RECEs Public Register Parents News Professional Regulation Code and Standards Unregulated Persons Resources Approval of Education Programs Conversation with an RECE Melissa Guest, RECE has worked in the early...

Centres Count on Professional Accountability

Home 9 Category: Public ( Page 8 ) About RECEs Public Register Parents News Professional Regulation Code and Standards Unregulated Persons Resources Approval of Education Programs Centres Count on Professional Accountability The snowball effect applies to fraud....