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College Seeks Continuous Learning Regulation

Jul 29, 2013

After extensive consultation with members, partners and stakeholders, the College of Early Childhood Educators has asked the Ontario government to enact a regulation made under the authority of the Early Childhood Educators Act, 2007 requiring all of its members to engage in a Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) program. It is anticipated that the regulation will come into effect for the September 2014 launch of the program.

Providing for the continuing education of its members is one of the duties of the College set out in the Early Childhood Educators Act, 2007. Engaging in continuous learning helps registered early childhood educators (RECEs) remain current in their knowledge, skills and professional values. It also promotes public trust in College members and the profession.

In recognition of the diversity of its members, the CPL program will not prescribe specific course content, except in very limited circumstances. For example, all members will be required to complete a short introductory training module on the ECE Act and its related regulations and by-laws governing the practice of early childhood education.

The CPL program will require College members to self-assess their learning needs and create an appropriate learning plan to enable them to enhance their professional practice in accordance with the College’s ethical and professional standards. It is recognized that learning can take place in a variety of ways and the College does not intend to prescribe the manner in which learning can occur. In addition, the College will not test and assess whether learning has taken place, but will reserve the right to audit a member’s learning portfolio if necessary.

Many early childhood educators already engage in lifelong learning and invest in staying current in their profession. The CPL program will serve to formalise this practice.

A summary of the College’s request to the Ontario government can be found on the Regulatory Registry at
http://www.ontariocanada.com/registry/view.do?postingId=13684&language=en. If you wish to provide comments on the proposed regulation, the Ministry of Education will be accepting written responses until September 9, 2013. Submissions may be made directly through the Regulatory Registry.

Please note that the Ministry is no longer accepting feedback on the CPL regulation. If you have questions, please contact the College at communications@college-ece.ca.