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Land Acknowledgement

The College acknowledges that our organization and profession is part of a colonial system. We are all living, working, learning and playing on the traditional territories of many Indigenous nations.

Canada’s mistreatment of the original inhabitants of this land has caused immeasurable harm, and these impacts continue to reverberate through present and future generations. The College acknowledges that there is much more that we need to do to as an organization to learn, unlearn and challenge the legacies of colonialism, racism and discrimination faced by First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. 

As settlers, we are grateful to the people who have taken care of this land for thousands of years and continue to do so. We look to traditional Indigenous knowledge — which has always centered on maintaining positive relationships between inhabitants of the land and the natural world – to serve as our guidepost in advancing truth and reconciliation.

We encourage members of the profession, colleagues and all who we work alongside to actively educate themselves about the historical and current realities for First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.

We all have an important responsibility to honour our relations and dedicate ourselves to continually uncovering the truth and taking actions for reconciliation and change for all children, their families, RECEs and their communities.