Section 5: Continuous Professional Learning
The purpose of Section 5 of the Membership Renewal Form is to confirm that you have complied with Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) program requirements. Participating in the CPL program communicates to employers, families, and the public that you are current in your knowledge, skills and practice, and that you are a member of a distinct profession that values ongoing professional learning.
The CPL program is mandatory.
You must confirm whether you have complied with your Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) program requirements for this past membership year as outlined in the Notice of Continuous Professional Learning.*
*I am completing the renewal process for the first time. How do I answer this question when it says “since your last renewal with the College”?
- Even though this is your first renewal, you must answer this question.
- In your circumstances, answer the question thinking of the time period “since you became a member of the College”.
More information about the CPL program is available here.