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One passionate educator inspires another

Nov 4, 2016

By Sharon Ho

Encourage, guide and inspire confidence. These three verbs are the ones Jaimy Lacharity RECE uses to describe how her principal, Jennifer Seabrook RECE, taught her to demonstrate leadership and be a better educator at West Carleton Kids Korner in Kinburn, Ontario.

“She’s been patient and positive with the kids,” says Jaimy, who became a Registered Early Childhood Educator (RECE) in April 2014 and has worked at West Carleton for almost two years.

“She taught me to be a better educator. She gave me ideas and encouraged me to be a better person. I’m young and I learn a lot when she shows me in person how to do something. I find it encourages me, guides me and inspires me with confidence. She is always there for me, and that makes my day more enjoyable. ”

Jennifer Seabrook has been an RECE for twenty years and has served as a Director for nine years. She places great importance on building strong relationships with children and their families.

“I think my favorite part of my profession is watching children grow, learn and develop. I also like knowing that we RECEs play an important role in this process, ”says Seabrook. “This is the encouragement I need to do the best I can at my job. These are the children, and we must do everything to ensure that they have a great day. It is also important to receive positive feedback from their peers and staff. ”

Jennifer Seabrook is passionate about her role as a mentor and role model for her staff. Recognizing their achievements is particularly close to his heart.

“I always do my best to recognize their efforts, big or small,” she says. Even if it’s just taking the time to update the bulletin board, change the toys or try a new idea in the sensory bin, I always try to recognize these gestures, so make staff feel appreciated and know that someone has noticed their efforts and taken the time to recognize them. ”

Ms. Seabrook has received positive feedback from her staff, who appreciate their support and leadership. She admits that she has not had such help and such an example in the past and that is why she intentionally decided to be another role model director within the West Carleton Center.