PG Communication and Collaboration
- Practice Guideline Communication and Collaboration homepage
- Section 1 – the importance of communication and collaboration
- Section 2 – communication and collaboration with families
- Section 3 – communication and collaboration with colleagues
- Section 4 – communication and collaboration with community partners
- Return to Resources homepage
Practice Guideline on Communication and Collaboration

Use this guideline to help you learn about:
- the importance of communication and collaboration for developing meaningful and responsive relationships;
- elements of effective communication and using technology to communicate with families, colleagues and others in your community of practice;
- strategies to support effective communication and collaboration with families, including how to best have challenging conversations;
- strategies to strengthen communication with colleagues, including conflict resolution;
- ways to collaborate with community partners and other professionals.
Guideline content
Section 1 – the importance of communication and collaboration
Learn about the elements of effective communication, how to demonstrate professionalism and leadership in this area and how technology can enhance your efforts.
Section 2 – communication and collaboration with families
Find out how you can develop strong partnerships, use technology effectively to connect and how to approach challenging conversations.
Section 3 – communication and collaboration with colleagues
Learn how you can work together to provide the best for the children in your professional care. This section includes information on how you can use critical reflection, address communication challenges and resolve sources of conflict.
Section 4 – communication and collaboration with community partners
Discover the importance of collaborating with community partners and other professionals in order to support improved care and programming for children and families.
About this publication
Suggestions for using the Practice Guideline
- Take your time to review the material and additional resources.
- Focus on areas that are most relevant to your current practice or sections that challenge you.
- Engage in collaborative inquiry and critical reflection during a staff or team meeting, or share in a community of practice.
- Actively engage in collaborative discussions to reflect on, challenge and question the complexities of practice.
- Use this resource to support you with your related Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) portfolio goals and activities.
Guideline references
Abrams, J. (2016). 4 key questions to ask before having a hard conversation. McCormick Center for Early Childhood Education Leadership.
Chandler, K. (2019). Administering for quality: Leading and collaborating Canadian early childhood education programs (6th ed.). Pearson Canada.
City of Toronto. (2018). Toronto action plan to confront anti-black racism.
Clinton, J. (2014). Brain development: Quality of interactions. (Video recording). Ontario Ministry of Education.
College of Nurses of Ontario. (2018). Conflict prevention and management.
Derman-Sparks, L., LeeKeenan, D., & Nimmo, J. (2015). Leading anti-bias early childhood programs: A guide for change. Teachers College Press.
Kaldor, T. (2015). Technology as a tool to strengthen the home-school connection. In C. Donohue (Eds.), Technology and digital media in the early years (pp. 199-201). Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
NAEYC. (2020). Principles of effective family engagement.
NAEYC. (2020). 10X: Using technology to engage families.
Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers. (2010). Practice notes: The inter-professional team – asset or encumbrance?
Ontario College of Teachers. (2017). Professional advisory: Maintaining professionalism – use of electronic communication and social media.
Ontario Ministry of Education. (2013). Think, feel, act: Lessons from research about young children.
Ontario Ministry of Education. (2014a). An introduction to how does learning happen? Ontario’s pedagogy for the early years for leaders.
Ontario Ministry of Education. (2014b). Collaborative inquiry in Ontario.
Ontario Ministry of Education. (2014c). How does learning happen? Ontario’s pedagogy for the early years.
Ontario Ministry of Education. (2016). The kindergarten program 2016.
Puerling, B., & Fowler, A. (2015). Technology tools for teachers and teaching: Innovative practices and emerging technologies. In C. Donohue (Eds.), Technology and digital media in the early years (pp. 183-199). Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Wilson, L. (2014). Partnerships: Families and communities in early childhood (5th ed.). Nelson Education Ltd.
Zero to Three. (2020). How to communicate with parents.
Other useful resources
In alphabetical order:
Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
Exploring Interprofessional Collaboration and Ethical Leadership
Practice Guideline on Diversity and Culture
Practice Guideline on Dual Relationships
Practice Guideline on Pedagogical Practice
Practice Guideline on Professionalism
Practice Guideline on Supporting Positive Interactions with Children
Practice Note on Ethical Decision-Making
Practice Note on Professional Judgment
Practice Note on Professional Supervision of Supervisees
Practice Note on Using Social Media
Pause and Reflect exercises from each section
Section 1
- Pause and reflect on the profession’s values and your communication strategies (Word version)
- Pause and reflect on the profession’s values and your communication strategies (PDF version)
- Pause and reflect on this scenario: demonstrating leadership in communication and collaboration (Word version)
- Pause and reflect on this scenario: demonstrating leadership in communication and collaboration (PDF version)
Section 2
- Pause and reflect on your communication with families in your practice setting (Word version)
- Pause and reflect on your communication with families in your practice setting (PDF version)
- Pause and reflect on communication about Sanjay’s winter clothes (Word version)
- Pause and reflect on communication about Sanjay’s winter clothes (PDF version)
- Pause and reflect on families and access to technology (Word version)
- Pause and reflect on families and access to technology (PDF version)
- Pause and reflect on family engagement (Word version)
- Pause and reflect on family engagement (PDF version)
Section 3
- Pause and reflect on your communication and collaboration with colleagues (Word version)
- Pause and reflect on your communication and collaboration with colleagues (PDF version)
- Pause and reflect on how you communicate and collaborate with other educators if you tend to work by yourself (Word version)
- Pause and reflect on how you communicate and collaborate with other educators if you tend to work by yourself (PDF version)
- Pause and reflect on the scenario about Aida and her teaching partner using collaborative inquiry in practice (Word version)
- Pause and reflect on the scenario about Aida and her teaching partner using collaborative inquiry in practice (PDF version)
- Pause and reflect on the scenario about communication challenges between colleagues (Word version)
- Pause and reflect on the scenario about communication challenges between colleagues (PDF version)
Section 4