The College Presents a Special Talk with Dr. Jean Clinton

Council President, Stacey Lepine RECE, sat down with Dr. Jean Clinton — a psychiatrist and advocate for children’s mental health — for a special talk inspired by the unfolding pandemic. Dr. Jean, as she likes to be called, shares her expertise in dealing with children’s emotions in this extraordinary time. Dr. Jean also has ideas and tips to help you make the challenging transition back to on-site work smooth and with confidence.
Dr. Jean mentions a lot of resources in her presentation, so we’ve curated them for you in sequence below:
1. First Nations Mental Wellness Framework
2. RULER and the slide from the presentation, by Marc Brackett
3. Permission to Feel – Marc Brackett, plus a recent podcast he was featured in with Brené Brown
4. More about Glory Ressler, referenced in Dr. Jean’s presentation, who was also featured on The Preschool Podcast
5. Self-reg, The MEHRIT Centre – Stuart Shanker
6. School Mental Health Ontario + COVID-19
7. Think, Feel, Act – Ontario Ministry of Education
8., which is now
9. The Pandemic Toolkit Parents Need – Psychology Today
10. My Hero is You – IASC, linked through Canadian Paediatric Society
11. Caring for Kids – linked through Canadian Paediatric Society
12. How can we talk to kids about COVID-19? – linked through Canadian Paediatric Society
13. Canadian Paediatric Society Blog
Interested in owning a copy of Dr. Jean’s book, Love Builds Brains? Email with your request.
If you have feedback or questions, please email us at We’d also welcome your ideas for other topics we might cover in the future. Thanks!